| Proyecto Refit of yachts ( Rent. 16% durante 6 meses) | |
| | Autor | Mensaje |
Admin Admin
Mensajes : 6155 Puntos : 9065 Reputación : 273 Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016 Localización : BCN
| Tema: Proyecto Refit of yachts ( Rent. 16% durante 6 meses) Lun Sep 23, 2019 7:08 pm | |
| https://wisefund.eu/ 8º proyecto de la plataforma que se esta mostrando muy activa, un préstamo para una empresa de mantenimiento y reparación de yates, con el objetivo de pagar las nominas y gastos operativos ahora que empieza la temporada fuerte, al ser un negocio bastante estacional. Parece que su fuerte es el Reino Unido, aunque también se desplazan a varios países. Aprovechando el +0.5% de bonus , la TIR estimada con un 17.63% y aunque es la mas baja ofrecida hasta el momento en la plataforma, aun es una muy buena rentabilidad. Me da en la nariz, que no sera el ultimo de los prestamos solicitados, por lo que en mi opinión son los que generan menos riesgo de impago y mejores oportunidad para invertir. Este préstamo de 125.000 € se inicia hoy, y recordaros que la plataforma paga por días naturales, tiene fecha de vencimiento fijo el día 23.03.2020, y por lo tanto si inviertes 15 días tarde, solo cobraras 5 meses y medio de intereses. Asimismo los días fijados como fecha de pago mensual coincide con el ultimo día de mes y se pagan por días naturales y no meses standards de 30 días. También esta cubierto por el fondo de protección de la plataforma, que si bien no cubre todavía el 100%, minimiza en algo el riesgo. Otro punto importante a destacar es el BB con penalizacion del 10% (de los altos) sobre el capital en caso de salida anticipada para este proyecto ( varia por proyecto) , por lo que tiene que ser tenido en cuenta por todos, pues es bastante inefectiva si lo pensáis bien, ya que el objetivo es acabar cobrando 84.75€ en intereses por 1.000 € y si alguien se sale con la penalizacion, pagara 100 € en concepto de penalty.
En otras palabras, no conviene aplicar el BB salvo causas de fuerza mayor. Referral programa con cashback del +0.5% de las inversiones durante 180 (ampliado a 270 ) días. AQUI _________________ Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco. » Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense**************************************************************************************** | |
| | | Melqui
Mensajes : 585 Puntos : 697 Reputación : 36 Fecha de inscripción : 21/06/2018
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Refit of yachts ( Rent. 16% durante 6 meses) Lun Sep 23, 2019 8:10 pm | |
| Buena alternativa para otras plataformas _________________ --- ---- Que nos aporta realmente la riqueza ? = " Libertad de decision " --- ---- | |
| | | DGC
Mensajes : 400 Puntos : 454 Reputación : 18 Fecha de inscripción : 17/09/2017
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Refit of yachts ( Rent. 16% durante 6 meses) Mar Sep 24, 2019 1:56 pm | |
| Me esta gustando mucho esta plataforma | |
| | | Mecenas
Mensajes : 16 Puntos : 16 Reputación : 0 Fecha de inscripción : 29/10/2019
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Refit of yachts ( Rent. 16% durante 6 meses) Mar Mar 24, 2020 1:08 pm | |
| Este prestamo es el que ha caído, hay dos rondas, puesto que es la ronda B del prestamo que deberían haber devuelto ayer.
Refit of yachts - A 125000 16% Terminó 23 MArzo Refit of yachts - B 100000 14% Termina 24 Abril.
Ya tenemos 225000 en el aire. En el correo no se explica ningún detalle, ni que pasa con el buyback. | |
| | | Admin Admin
Mensajes : 6155 Puntos : 9065 Reputación : 273 Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016 Localización : BCN
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Refit of yachts ( Rent. 16% durante 6 meses) Mar Mayo 05, 2020 3:12 pm | |
| Buen escrito y buena accion de la plataforma con este caso. Veo tanta crispacion en tanta gente que estas explicaciones vienen bien, no vienen mas a decir que lo que repito tantas veces, esto no es una cuenta bancaria ni un cajero, ni la bolsa. El riesgo de liquidez inmediata es extremo, y hay que saber que se ha de torear con ello. TODO EL MUNDO QUE ESTE INVERTIDO A CONTESTAR |
Borrower on its loans Refit of Yachts and Refit of Yachts - Round B hasn't fulfilled obligations to repay nor principal nor last pending interest payments. While the reason behind this is understandable, claiming they have not received final payments from their contractors due to worldwide pandemics and being out of cash until those payments are settled, and as they claim to have long term relationship with their contractors and expect payments to be made sooner or later, we wouldn't like to write them off completely because of missing payment for sightly over a month.
Yes, on the first agreement we already have the option to fill claim on them, commence collection procedure, and do as much as possible to protect your rights and hopefully money as well. We're ready to do that, but also we understand it will harm their future as well and could do a harm to their good intentions (if there are such) of repaying eventually, and because of the worldwide crisis their situation is understandable and we could consider giving slight extension for them to fulfill their obligations before we commence any further actions.
As this is your money involved and while we have a clear understanding of the path we have to follow, we'd like to hear your opinion as well, and once again, a survey is the way to do that as this way we can follow who of you have replied and what's your opinion on this case.
Some of you have been complaining about the lack of updates regarding missing payment and what's happening. Here we both, agree and disagree. It has been less than 40 days since they missed to fulfill their obligations, and this time can be considered both, long and short. And usually, in the lending business, especially during the crisis this is not the term to worry about.
Good thing, the borrower is communicating and expressing a will to repay as soon as they get paid themselves. So, the intentions and good will both are there. But we can never be completely sure about it...
We updated all of you of the status of the payment and the fact it's being late, but until certain timespan has passed, there's not much to update about as we cannot commence actions on day one of missing payment (something to consider for future agreements though). Now time is passing, now we're involving you... [/size]
Let's analyze possible scenarios:
1) we give 2 months extension for the borrower to deal with their contractors and fulfill their obligations and cover additionally accrued interest. Nothing much else we can do than just wait for the best outcome and their intentions to be truthfully right. Right?
Well, no... In the meantime, we have the option to analyze and prepare claims, investigate their business actions, get additional guarantees, etc. While the extension is in force, there's a lot we can do in the background to prepare for the worst.
2) we submit an immediate claim to the court. The amount is significant, and there are multiple possible further scenarios of what will happen. The borrower will be allowed to respond with the following options: [/size]
- they can choose to pay the amount due to you;
- they can object to the order by completing and returning a statement of opposition within a certain period of time; or
- they may do nothing.
[size] The best option is No.1, of course. But if they do nothing, it's also good as courts then can issue a court order for freezing borrower assets. This will allow to get to the money which arrives at any point first hand. Though, the least good is second where they object the claim, even if they seemingly have no reason to object, they can do that.
What happens if the defendant objects? If a defendant opposes your claim then the case will take longer to be reviewed, as each new step required additional hearing, additional involvement from parties, and usually prolongs the case. There are a lot of scenarios of how this can happen, and we have to be aware of that. But good thing is, we're ready to do that. And all court and lawyer fees in reasonable amounts are covered by Wisefund as per loan agreement. [/size]
Let's summarize - there are two possible options right now, we can grant borrower an additional 2 months to try to recover and not close their business right away, or file a lawsuit against them immediately. It's your call!
Our protection fund can cover all legal expenses that will arise. But you must understand that a lawsuit will be a long and time-consuming procedure, to get the principal back from the borrower. They have not filed bankruptcy yet, we closely monitor that.
Note: if the maturity of the loan is extended, interest calculation will happen the same way – your schedules will be updated accordingly. We have made a survey, please fill it in and we will listen to your opinion, and take a mutual decision on further actions.[/size] |
Press the button below to access the survey. |
_________________ Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco. » Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense**************************************************************************************** | |
| | | Mecenas
Mensajes : 16 Puntos : 16 Reputación : 0 Fecha de inscripción : 29/10/2019
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Refit of yachts ( Rent. 16% durante 6 meses) Mar Mayo 05, 2020 4:42 pm | |
| Otra encuesta falsa cuyo resutaldo será el que ellos quieran: seguir sin soltar un euro.
Este proyecto tenía Buybuck de hong kong ( como Monethera...), que se cumpla, o todo es mentira como en las demás estafas? | |
| | | Admin Admin
Mensajes : 6155 Puntos : 9065 Reputación : 273 Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016 Localización : BCN
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Refit of yachts ( Rent. 16% durante 6 meses) Vie Mayo 22, 2020 5:30 pm | |
| | Dear << Test First Name >>, On May 5, 2020 we sent out an email regarding projects Refit of Yachts and Refit of Yachts - Round B where the first one has now missed its payment for 60 days. Response was the following: | | |
First of all, thank you to all who participated and expressed their point of view. We highly value your involvement and hope to see the same approach in more positive cases with surveys and involvement from you. | | |
Out of 307 people invested in project Round A, 220 have replied out of which 84.1% supported extending repayment date for the borrower to deal with their financial difficulties, their suppliers, and settle their obligations towards Wisefund investors in the full amount due. For your information, the following actions will take place:
- Your payment schedules will be extended currently for two months.
- The borrower will be instructed to settle their payments within the following 30 days but no later than 45 days.
- In case Borrower fulfills their obligations in allocated time or sooner, your accounts will be immediately credited with a subsequent amount.
- In case Borrower does not fulfill their obligations within 45 days deadline, immediate actions will take place.
Current state of the project is the fact Borrower has not fulfilled their obligations in time. Currently, they have received multiple requests to follow the agreement, and their statement is they have delays in receiving payments under their contracts, case which they are working on. | | |
Wisefund has full right on behalf of all investors to act into further legal proceedings, and we will not hesitate to follow these rights during this time. We still stick to the current approach to be supportive towards these difficult times but keep strict on protecting our rights and request fulfillment of obligations arising from the contract. Additionally, we want to outline our partners in dealing with collection procedures are professionals with strong background and record of previous work on similar cases, and if further legal proceedings shall take place, all costs and procedures will be covered by Wisefund at its own expense and effort. Part of you mentioned in the survey option other and outlined the buy back guarantee for the project. Please bear in mind it has been stated before the limit of the guarantee has been closed and there’s likely little chance to get the guarantee partner put further funds to cover this case. Would there be still limit available on that, please bear in mind we would not hesitate to activate guarantee immediately and deal with the case on our own. Currently, we shall move forward with the options we have and work for the best outcome. | | |
In case you do not agree with the decision and wish to dispute it, please reach out to support@wisefund.eu for more details. Currently, we’re working out possible options without legal partner how to solve matters with those few of you who do not agree with the extension. | | |
| | | En primer lugar, gracias a todos los que participaron y expresaron su punto de vista. Valoramos mucho su participación y esperamos ver el mismo enfoque en casos más positivos con encuestas y participación de usted.De las 307 personas que invirtieron en el proyecto A, 220 respondieron, de las cuales el 84.1% apoyó extender la fecha de reembolso para que el prestatario lidie con sus dificultades financieras, sus proveedores y liquide sus obligaciones con los inversores de Wisefund por el monto total adeudado. Para su información, se llevarán a cabo las siguientes acciones:• Sus horarios de pago se extenderán actualmente por dos meses.• Se le indicará al prestatario que liquide sus pagos dentro de los próximos 30 días, pero a más tardar en 45 días.• En el caso de que el Prestatario cumpla con sus obligaciones en el tiempo asignado o antes, sus cuentas serán acreditadas inmediatamente con un monto posterior.• En caso de que el Prestatario no cumpla con sus obligaciones dentro del plazo de 45 días, se llevarán a cabo acciones inmediatas.El estado actual del proyecto es el hecho de que el Prestatario no ha cumplido sus obligaciones a tiempo. Actualmente, han recibido múltiples solicitudes para seguir el acuerdo, y su declaración es que tienen retrasos en la recepción de pagos en virtud de sus contratos, caso en el que están trabajando._________________ Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco. » Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense**************************************************************************************** | |
| | | Admin Admin
Mensajes : 6155 Puntos : 9065 Reputación : 273 Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016 Localización : BCN
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Refit of yachts ( Rent. 16% durante 6 meses) Mar Sep 22, 2020 5:29 pm | |
| [size=32]Project updates[/size]September 22, 2020 Current project is in default as there have been no payments received from the borrower since delays occurred nor any reasonable repayment solutions have been given. Currently, the debt collection process is entrusted to www.cisdrs.com - a full-service law firm that practices international alternative dispute resolution, debt restructuring, debt collection (debt recovery), and insolvency if required. Wisefund believes this partner will take all necessary steps required to ensure recovery of funds. Our partner is providing constant updates regarding the case, they have been presented all necessary and supporting documentation and continue pursuing recovery of the debt. As soon as further information on the process is received, all affected investors will receive relevant updates. Please bear in mind that debt recovery is at time a long process and updates are expected to be monthly or bi-monthly. Total amount given to collection contains 125,000.00 € principal, 1,260.52 € unpaid interest plus 37,878.16 € in accrued late payment penalty. _________________ Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco. » Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense**************************************************************************************** | |
| | | | Proyecto Refit of yachts ( Rent. 16% durante 6 meses) | |
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