Admin Admin
Mensajes : 6134 Puntos : 9037 Reputación : 272 Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016 Localización : BCN
| Tema: Proyecto CONSUMER LOAN PORTFOLIO ACQUISITION (II) ( Rent. 24% por 12 meses) Vie Feb 07, 2020 8:13 pm | |
| PRIMER PROYECTO DE FEBRERO 2020 segundo proyecto para la compra de un portafolio, ver el post del tier uno, y con la misma rentabilidad altísima un 24% , gusta por que: 1- es una cartera muy pequeña, solo 45.000 € menos del 10% que el primer proyecto. 2-El primer proyecto empezó en noviembre pasado, y los pagos de principal + intereses manuales se cumplen y eso es porque el trabajo se realiza bien mes a mes. habrá que ver que descuento tienen en la compra de la cartera, y es una pena que me pilla sin blanca en la cuenta hasta el día 15, y no creo que llegue a tiempo es un negocio que si se hace bien, es muy rentable. Podrían ofrecerse para comprar los proyectos de Envestio con descuento, aunque seria catastrófico para los inversores porque la tasa de descuento no bajaría del 40% Fecha de apertura: lunes 10 Febrero 2020 Hora de apertura: 19:00 hora española 45.000 € a 12 meses y ofrecen un 24% vamos muy pocos han estado por encima que yo recuerde. Como digo habra que esperar que descuento y el plazo de pagos pero copiando los datos similares del anterior las TIR se disparan. Recordaros que también paga los intereses ( 5% mínimo) desde el momento que hacéis la inversión sin esperar al cierre del proyecto. ATENCIÓN Si abres o abriste cuenta en la plataforma hace menos de 6 meses obtén un +1% de rentabilidad La TIR del proyecto rondara el 26.54 % atractivo es poco, siempre si se cobran mensualmente intereses pero si aplicamos + el cashback +1%., AQUI 1% CASHBACK podréis obtener un 1% extra de Beneficio en vuestras inversiones en Este enlace es exclusivo del foro que permitirá mejorar la rentabilidad y TIR por encima del 29.60% .Condiciones para cobrar el bonus:1- Hacer siempre click independientemente de la antigüedad de la cuenta AQUI 1% CASHBACK 2- Si eres un nuevo usuario hacer click AQUI 1% CASHBACK . y darte de alta, durante 180 días tienes garantizado el bonus +1%. 3- Si tienes cuenta abierta con una antigüedad inferior a 6 meses también obtendrás el bonus +1,( ir al punto 1 y hacer click) durante el periodo restante hasta el total de 180 días. Iré actualizando la información cuando abran el proyecto, ya sabéis que se la reservan para el día de la apertura. _________________ Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco. » Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense****************************************************************************************
Última edición por Admin el Dom Mar 01, 2020 6:34 pm, editado 1 vez | |
Mensajes : 2672 Puntos : 2883 Reputación : 173 Fecha de inscripción : 22/11/2016
| Tema: Re: Proyecto CONSUMER LOAN PORTFOLIO ACQUISITION (II) ( Rent. 24% por 12 meses) Sáb Feb 08, 2020 11:01 am | |
| El problema es que a ver como localizan a alguien de Envestio para comprar la cartera, jajajajjaja.
Yo ya he llegado a mi tope de capital destinado a Crowdestor así que....toca dejarla pasar.
Ya en serio, es que no entiendo, si realmente ha sido una mala gestión del pánico, porque no se venden los proyectos de Envestio a otro gestor.... | |
Admin Admin
Mensajes : 6134 Puntos : 9037 Reputación : 272 Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016 Localización : BCN
| Tema: Re: Proyecto CONSUMER LOAN PORTFOLIO ACQUISITION (II) ( Rent. 24% por 12 meses) Vie Dic 18, 2020 6:48 pm | |
| TOCA VOTAR y decidir si ampliamos plazo o asumimos perdidas., para esto siempre habra tiempo, por lo tanto votare ampliar plazos. Dear investors, Georgia has been one of the hardest-hit countries by the number of new cases - there are more than 4,000 reported cases on daily basis (, and testing for the virus is still slow. The country’s economy has been hit particularly hard due to COVID-19 shutdowns. First, our country’s largest export is tourism, accounting for USD 3,22 billion, accounting for 39% of all exports. This season has seen a 94% drop in international travelers (, with international tourism ban initially planned till the end of June, now has been postponed to later dates which are not announced yet, since COVID-19 situation differs and changes rapidly from country to country. The anticipation here on the ground is that Georgians will be lucky if there is a tourism season in 2021. Secondly, tourism and trade are major drivers for most other sectors in the market, such as hospitality, air, and other transport (accounting for another USD 845 million exports), the recovery in economic activity has been slow as borders remain closed and international travel is broadly banned. Therefore, in the second quarter of 2020, economic growth was (-)12.3%. A decrease was observed in the following sectors: transport and warehousing, provision of accommodation and food delivery, art, entertainment and leisure, construction, professional, scientific and technical activities. Should be noted that about 60% of employees in Georgia are self-employed, whose incomes have also been significantly reduced due to the crisis caused by the pandemic ( In addition, due to diminished consumption locally, Georgian Lari (GEL) has depreciated significantly, to its all-time lowest value, a trend expected to continue further, with no significant change in sight. Beginning of the year, when we launched our first project, the GEL exchange rate to EUR was 3.05, it has depreciated by 25% till today, now standing at 3.96 ( ). The increase in the exchange rate also led to an increase in inflation, which amounted to 6.1% in September. This has caused an additional slowdown of our collection efforts, thus unforeseen losses to our projects. Due to the difficult economic situation, expectations for stabilization of the currency rate are negative. Moreover, the GEL exchange rate is expected to depreciate furthermore and cause an even sharper rise in inflation, since Georgia is heavily dependent on imports. Bank overdue loan portfolio increased by 28% from January to September. Preparing for the dire economic outfall, local banks have started the restructuring of loans, to avoid these portfolios exploding and causing an uncontrollable economic downwards spiral and driving homelessness. Because of a substantial increase in unemployment, economic entities can no longer service/repay the loans. During the first lockdown, banks have postponed monthly scheduled payments for only 3 months, a deadline that has already passed with no clear plan for further relief action. All the above-mentioned reasons have significantly affected our debt recovery rate, which has decreased by 70%. Our proposed best course of action and way out of this difficult situation would be to start the legal collection process as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the pandemic has had a major impact on the court system, by significantly reducing operations and extending the time to receiving court rulings. In addition, this type of large-scale legal process approach today would require a substantial amount of cash resources for court expenditures, which we are unable to mobilize in this difficult situation. The 3-month grace period announced by the CROWDESTOR allowed us to invest a certain amount of cash in the legal collection, but unfortunately, for the reasons mentioned above, this does not give us exaggerated expectations of high efficiency in the short run. We are doing our best to ensure the most efficient collection process with as little loss as possible. However, today we believe there are two courses of action out of this difficult and still deteriorating situation. One option is to auction all portfolios and assess an early exit option, the second – to continue rather passive work on the portfolios till the moment the economic situation has stabilized, and we can return to usual collection processes and efficiencies. We have taken the necessary steps and have sent proposals to all major collection agencies in the market to get quotes for our portfolios. Here is where we currently stand with the projects:
- Project CRP-2768 “CONSUMER LOAN PORTFOLIO ACQUISITION” with a funded amount of 560 000 EUR - we have covered 348 240 EUR of principal and 58 075 EUR of interests, which means that 211 288 EUR of principal is left to be repaid.
- Project CRP-2818 “Leasing Loan Portfolio” with a funded amount of 550 000 EUR - we have covered 30 000 EUR of principal and 53 676 EUR of interests, which means that 520 000 EUR of principal is left to be repaid.
We see that there is no possibility to pay back the loan in full amount in the current schedule. There are two feasible options for moving forward:
- According to the existing results, the estimated amount of monthly payments from our consumer loan portfolio is 3 000 EUR for project CRP-2768 “CONSUMER LOAN PORTFOLIO ACQUISITION”, and 9 000 EUR for project CRP-2818 “Leasing Loan Portfolio”. This would take place until market conditions improve and we can intensify collection activities. In this regard, we would like to extend the loan term for at least 24 months and make repayments to investors calculating a reduced interest rate for the extended period in the amount of 8% per year for the remaining part of the principal. In case the situation improves, we will pay back according to the initial schedule.
- To exit these positions now by selling the remaining portfolio to another debt collection agency according to the submitted quotes. This would mean repaying 100 000 EUR in the first month and 174 500 EUR in the following 6 months with equal payments of 29 083 EUR per month. Funds would be distributed between the project portfolios in the following way:
- Project CRP-2768 “CONSUMER LOAN PORTFOLIO ACQUISITION” - 12 000 EUR which would mean that 74,7% of the total principal would be repaid.
- Project CRP-2818 “Leasing Loan Portfolio” – 262 500 EUR which would mean that 62,9% of the total principal would be repaid.
Hereby we are asking investors to decide by a vote which of the above-mentioned actions would be preferable for each of you to take. We do hope that things will get back to normal sooner than later, though Georgia’s economy and standing in the word when it comes down to vaccine deliveries or international relief keeps us wary on a speedy recovery in 2021 or even 2022. Therefore, if investors would vote to exit this position now, we believe this would help to avoid uncertainty and all the risks that come with it. Regards, Bachana Rapava 18/12/2020 | |
_________________ Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco. » Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense**************************************************************************************** | |