| Proyecto Rävala Nordic Vermouth - Nordic by Nature ( Renta,.17.50 % 18 meses y 18 dias) | |
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Admin Admin
Mensajes : 6138 Puntos : 9043 Reputación : 272 Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016 Localización : BCN
| Tema: Proyecto Rävala Nordic Vermouth - Nordic by Nature ( Renta,.17.50 % 18 meses y 18 dias) Jue Mar 12, 2020 8:04 pm | |
| https://wisefund.eu/ Proyecto nº 19. Con la que esta cayendo en la bolsa, con la peor jornada vivida nunca ( ni siquiera el 11S ) y todo por una "gripe" , si algo tiene de malo la era de la información, es que todo se sobredimensiona. Pero no nos preocupemos , esta plataforma tiene la solución, un buen copazo de Vermuth. Bueno fuera de bromas,, no se si sera un buen negocio o no, hay bastante competencia en este terreno y al final encontrar un nicho es dificil. Un proyecto pequeño 55.000 € y con una rentabilidad del 17.50% a 18 meses, bastante largo para lo que estamos acostumbrado, quizas solo para entrar con una pequeña cantidad. Aprovechando el +0.5% de bonus , la TIR estimada con un 19.44% , Recordaros que la plataforma paga por días naturales, tiene fecha de vencimiento fijo el día 31-07-2021 y por lo tanto si inviertes 15 días tarde, solo cobraras 18 meses y 3 días de intereses Asimismo los días fijados como fecha de pago mensual coincide con el ultimo día de mes y se pagan por días naturales y no meses standards de 30 días. También esta cubierto por el fondo de protección de la plataforma, que si bien no cubre todavía el 100%, minimiza en algo el riesgo. Otro punto importante NO HAY garantía de BB , y la disponibilidad de salir anticipadamente queda a discreción de la plataforma, como sabéis consecuencia de las circunstancias de mercado. Referral programa con cashback del +0.5% de las inversiones durante 180 (ampliado a 270 ) días. AQUI _________________ Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco. » Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense**************************************************************************************** | |
| | | Admin Admin
Mensajes : 6138 Puntos : 9043 Reputación : 272 Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016 Localización : BCN
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Rävala Nordic Vermouth - Nordic by Nature ( Renta,.17.50 % 18 meses y 18 dias) Miér Abr 15, 2020 6:22 pm | |
| han cambiado de estrategia con el proyecto abierto, dado el escaso financiamiento del mismo, Es buena idea, mejor que cancelarlo definitivamente, hay que dejar pasar la tormenta y siempre es bueno tener visibilidad. | Project Rävala Nordic Vermouth will be split in several funding rounds | | |
| Dear Investor, Initially, this project was listed to raise funds needed for an 18-month product development as well as sales and marketing push. Current economic slump caused by temporary restrictions imposed on HoReCa and travel sectors, among others, made the company rethink its initial strategy behind debt finance. It was decided that the most appropriate plan of action would be to review project financing priorities as well as splitting financing into much more manageable amounts and time frames depending on the purpose of the funding round. | |
The funds that are currently invested will go toward round A of the project. Interest will stay the same only length will be reduced. Rounds B will be added after round A reaches the target, and so on. C and D will be added to the platform accordingly. Breakdown of funding information about the project rounds you can see below. It is also important to mention that each investment round will bear interest appropriate to the time it will go live. | | |
Proposed rounds and time frames for each of the rounds are as follows: ROUND A (April ’20): Investments into Internet sales that would require the purchase of transportation packaging, support of sales via various social media platforms, visuals for marketing purposes as well as further research into product development as R&D is a continuous process and should not be stopped at any time. Round A maturation – 9-18 months from completion of the round.
- Investment in packaging (transportation boxes) – EUR 3,000;
- Internet sales support – 1,000 EUR;
- R&D – EUR 1,000;
- Reserves – EUR 2,000.
Total: EUR 7,000 ROUND B: Preliminary agreement has been achieved with our partner cidery to purchase new stock of wine that is needed to prepare the production of the second batch of vermouth that will also require the purchase of herbs and spices. Further investments into packaging (single bottle gift box as well as other variations of boxes and wrapping paper). Round B maturation – 12 months from completion of the round.
- Wine and ingredients purchase – EUR 10,000;
- Investments in packaging – EUR 7,000
- Reserves – EUR 3,000;
Total: EUR 20,000 ROUND C: They are planning to start expanding their own production capabilities in order to, first, be more creative while developing product line extensions and second be more independent from production cycles of our contract-production partner. This will be a starting point in our program of achieving full production independence by the start of season 2022. Also, further Internet sales-development activities are planned. Round C maturation – 12 months from completion of the round.
- Equipment – EUR 15,000;
- Sales support – EUR 5,000;
Total: EUR 20,000 ROUND D: They are planning to start a program of investing in the stock of wooden barrels that are needed to expand our product line into a more complex and more premium segment. This is a long-term investment plan that will add many marketing opportunities to our brand including cellar visits by tourists. Round D maturation – 15 months from completion of the round.
- Investments into stock of barrels – EUR 5,000;
- Reserves – EUR 3,000.
Total: EUR 8,000 Grand Total funds required: EUR 55,000 | | |
As most of the funds raised are meant to be used as working capital, the borrower is expecting to maintain a healthy margin that will allow them to generate enough margin to be able to grow the business and cover all the costs related to this funding.
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THOSE WHO INVESTED UP TO DATE, HOW IS YOUR INVESTMENT AFFECTED? - the funding target will be reached sooner and you will be guaranteed to receive the interest accrued up to date; - borrower will be able to begin the project realization sooner; - loan term in Round A is reduced thus your invested principal will be repaid sooner; As these changes do not impact your investment and terms do not get worse, this changes made to total funding amount do not require additional confirmation from current investors, only approval between Wisefund and the Borrower. | | |
| Happy to help.Please reach out to support@wisefund.eu if you have any questions. |
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_________________ Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco. » Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense**************************************************************************************** | |
| | | Admin Admin
Mensajes : 6138 Puntos : 9043 Reputación : 272 Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016 Localización : BCN
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Rävala Nordic Vermouth - Nordic by Nature ( Renta,.17.50 % 18 meses y 18 dias) Vie Abr 17, 2020 5:26 pm | |
| Pues ya han reestructurado el préstamo, aquí esta la ronda B Wisefund is pleased to inform you that a new investment opportunity is available. Rävala Nordic Vermouth - Round B. The project is presented by Rävala Vermouth OÜ and the annual interest rate is 17.5 %. | Amount: €20 000.00 | Duration: 18 mo. | Rate: 17.5 % | |
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Rävala Vermouth successfully closed its first round of funding and will begin with the purchase of transportation packaging, support of sales via various social media platforms, visuals for marketing purposes as well as further research into product development as R&D (which is a continuous process through all funding rounds). Now we present Round B of funding under same terms (except that first round investors will begin receiving earned interest prior waiting full funding of all rounds). Under Round B their use of acquired funds will be following: Preliminary agreement has been achieved with our partner cidery to purchase new stock of wine that is needed to prepare production of a second batch of vermouth that will also require purchase of herbs and spices. Further investments into packaging (single bottle gift box as well as other variations of boxes and wrapping paper). Round B maturation – 12 months from completion of the round. The company’s strategy is to start building the brand in its home market of Estonia and targeting Scandinavia, UK, and Germany before expanding into other markets across Europe and the rest of the world. For the Estonian market, Rävala Nordic Vermouth has the advantage of being an innovative product that is lovingly crafted locally using many local ingredients which is part of a brand’s USP. For markets outside of Estonia Rävala offers a new approach to the vermouth category in general. Loan details: - Loan term: up to 18 months - Borrower keeps the option to repay pre-term - Interest rate: 17,5% - Secured by commercial pledge on all assets (registered in Commercial Register), pledge on stock by notarial deed and UBO's personal guarantee - Min.investent: €10 Why invest in them? - The team behind the brand has years of experience working in the beverage industry in different parts of the world - An innovative product that is lovingly crafted locally - Justified interest rate and transparency of the project - Professional company management with a clear path of success Provided guarantees (with the condition the project gets funded 100% of the target amount) - Commercial pledge on the company shares are being established in favor of Wisefund before the issue of the loan amount - Personal guarantee of the UBO _________________ Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco. » Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense**************************************************************************************** | |
| | | Mecenas
Mensajes : 16 Puntos : 16 Reputación : 0 Fecha de inscripción : 29/10/2019
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Rävala Nordic Vermouth - Nordic by Nature ( Renta,.17.50 % 18 meses y 18 dias) Mar Mayo 05, 2020 4:47 pm | |
| Me sorprende que no se diga nada en el foro. ¿Nadie invirtió en este proyecto?
La política es muy clara, si un proyecto no alcanza el objetivo de financiación antes de la fecha límita se devuelve el capital a los inversores. Wisefund se ha saltado las normas (ni se molestó en una encuesta falsa) ha subdividido el proyecto para quedarse con lso fondos invertidos y no devovlerlos. ¿A quién le puede parecer esto bien? | |
| | | Admin Admin
Mensajes : 6138 Puntos : 9043 Reputación : 272 Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016 Localización : BCN
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Rävala Nordic Vermouth - Nordic by Nature ( Renta,.17.50 % 18 meses y 18 dias) Mar Mayo 05, 2020 5:46 pm | |
| Yo al menos en este no inverti,
Con lo que tenia compre en el mercado secundario, pues riesgo por riesgo salia mas beneficioso.
Se que el anterior a este, en el cual si estaba invertido se cancelo y nos retrocedieron el importe invertido y el importe era mayor que este.
No se si sobre este, han realizado alguna consulta a los invertidos en el, eso lo desconozco.
Entiendo que aquí era un importe invertido mínimo ( si no recuerdo mal un 5%) , y no habría representado mayor problema que devolver el importe salvo que los inversores estuviesen de acuerdo en lo contrario.
¿has preguntado en support? _________________ Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco. » Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense**************************************************************************************** | |
| | | Mecenas
Mensajes : 16 Puntos : 16 Reputación : 0 Fecha de inscripción : 29/10/2019
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Rävala Nordic Vermouth - Nordic by Nature ( Renta,.17.50 % 18 meses y 18 dias) Miér Mayo 06, 2020 11:25 am | |
| Support no responde.
El loan agreement no se puede cambiar, simplemente no se respetó.
Solamente plasmaba mi sorpresa porque nadie comentara nada al respecto.
Supongo que la gente no invirtió porque imaginaba como iba a acabar. | |
| | | DGC
Mensajes : 399 Puntos : 453 Reputación : 18 Fecha de inscripción : 17/09/2017
| Tema: Re: Proyecto Rävala Nordic Vermouth - Nordic by Nature ( Renta,.17.50 % 18 meses y 18 dias) Mar Mayo 12, 2020 6:36 pm | |
| ¿Alguien se ha comunicado últimamente con Support? sobre el retraso en los pagos...es para saber si no están desaparecidos...yo la verdad que con sacar el trabajo desde casa estoy superliado y ya no tengo tanto tiempo para escribir. | |
| | | | Proyecto Rävala Nordic Vermouth - Nordic by Nature ( Renta,.17.50 % 18 meses y 18 dias) | |
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