Foro inversores crowdlending

si has llegado hasta aquí y si te interesa este mundillo como una alternativa de inversion, te confirmo que no te harás rico, pero con sentido común y diversificación se puede lograr una rentabilidad apreciable.

El riesgo en estas plataformas es muy diverso, pero tienes 3 grandes grupos de plataformas, a las cuales nos referimos familiarmente como LETONAS:

1-Inversiones aseguradas con hipotecas, rentabilidad entre un 10% a 15%, si no pagan se vende el bien y se recupera la inversion.

EStateguru es de las mas destacadas

2- Inversiones B2B, prestamos a empresas y que puedes tener rentabilidades superiores al 15% fácilmente, lógicamente son las mas arriesgadas , pero puedes obtener mas beneficios y además suelen tener garantías colaterales que minimizan el riesgo.

3- Inversiones en prestamos personales, rentabilidad media entre el 10%-12%que lo importante es que tengan BuyBack y sobre todo que diversifiques mucho.

Robocash, Viainvest, Peerberry, Debitum Investment, etc.

Aprovechar también los referrals y cashback no te harán rico/a pero siempre suman un puntito mas de rentabilidad.

El foro esta operativo desde Oct-2016 y es pionero en el crowdfunding/crowdlending,

Te esperamos!!!!
Foro inversores crowdlending

si has llegado hasta aquí y si te interesa este mundillo como una alternativa de inversion, te confirmo que no te harás rico, pero con sentido común y diversificación se puede lograr una rentabilidad apreciable.

El riesgo en estas plataformas es muy diverso, pero tienes 3 grandes grupos de plataformas, a las cuales nos referimos familiarmente como LETONAS:

1-Inversiones aseguradas con hipotecas, rentabilidad entre un 10% a 15%, si no pagan se vende el bien y se recupera la inversion.

EStateguru es de las mas destacadas

2- Inversiones B2B, prestamos a empresas y que puedes tener rentabilidades superiores al 15% fácilmente, lógicamente son las mas arriesgadas , pero puedes obtener mas beneficios y además suelen tener garantías colaterales que minimizan el riesgo.

3- Inversiones en prestamos personales, rentabilidad media entre el 10%-12%que lo importante es que tengan BuyBack y sobre todo que diversifiques mucho.

Robocash, Viainvest, Peerberry, Debitum Investment, etc.

Aprovechar también los referrals y cashback no te harán rico/a pero siempre suman un puntito mas de rentabilidad.

El foro esta operativo desde Oct-2016 y es pionero en el crowdfunding/crowdlending,

Te esperamos!!!!
Foro inversores crowdlending
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Foro inversores crowdlending

Foro español pionero e independiente desde Octubre 2016.
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18-10-2016 ** 18-10-2024
8º Año compartiendo experiencias.


 Comunicado de Wisefund

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11 participantes
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Mensajes : 6155
Puntos : 9065
Reputación : 273
Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016
Localización : BCN

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyVie Mar 27, 2020 2:57 pm

Lo dicho.

Creo que es la que mejor esta gestionando la crisis al menos a nivel informativo

Dear Investor,

We live in an unprecedented time in our history. The COVID-19 pandemic is having an impact on the health of our loved ones, the businesses we rely upon, the health of the global economy, and the way we live our daily lives.

As we all continue to navigate through these unique and evolving challenges, we want you to know that Wisefund is here for you and what we hope and trust the most, you are here for us and businesses we all together support.

With this update we're calling on people like you across the financial ecosystem to come together to help the most vulnerable during this crisis. We all need to support our employees and our families. We must jointly look for ways to help businesses that create the ecosystem around us navigate the uncertainties.

Governments are showing supportsports stars are donating for local support, many today are stepping up to help, because no one business can do it alone. Crowdfunding is not an exception, we are part of a larger business ecosystem.

[size=34]Coming together as a community supporting businesses

Lately, we launched a campaign and information about that was published on news portals

FintechBaltic | EU-Startups | Fintechnews

We’ve already received first applications and look forward to presenting them one-by-one to you once our review team goes through necessary analysis and checks.
What we’re doing is: taking priority review, taking no commission on review, offering lower commissions for successfully funded applications, listing as project for support with additional marketing and promotion on the projects, loan for 18 months at a fixed rate 10-13%, no fee early repayment option. The main incentive here is to filter out businesses that in other conditions were working flawlessly and being a good part of the economy, and now are going to struggle, but have a clear path to recovery with bridge financial support.

Lenders will be offered the following: fixed rates of return 10-13%, full transparency of the business, security in the form of commercial pledges, mortgages, personal guarantees (depending on each case), and, most importantly, possibility to support our own economy, support SMEs who are the heart of what we do (activity based businesses), where we spend time (places, restaurants, leisure spots), what we use (utility stores, apps, family owned businesses) etc.

We will be assessing how the businesses were operating prior to the current crisis and evaluating the strength of the supply chains and the time in business prior to the current crisis to understand how inherently robust the applying business is and how quickly it can revert to "Business as Usual" status once restrictions are lifted.

Currently, we’re not asking to throw funds in and wait for lucrative interest earnings. Instead, firstly take care of your savings and keep what you need in case crisis reaches you as well. But if you have something to spare, wait for the offers to come, and see which business you are ready to support. Because in addition to earned interest you earn much more as this is a time of mutual support.

We kindly ask you to share any of the above linked articles with your friends, co-workers, social friends etc. – maybe someone’s there owning a business in trouble, and they should know where to reach out to!

[size=34]Open opportunities you might be interested in

Currently, there are still two open loan offers available to fund. Both are Estonian businesses, one involved in trading and other one looking to develop a local brand.
Comunicado de Wisefund 5b9a5e9c-4c4a-4f83-986b-9f8bc1da2b65
Support Estonian business and future of perspective brand development - mere € 52 144 remain available for investment with an annual interest of 17.5%.
Secured by commercial pledge, controlling share in the business and personal guarantees it's a nice investment offering regular monthly returns.
Comunicado de Wisefund 2c3ec023-8f2a-43f2-923a-91141f5d7df2
Another Estonian business supported already by 207 investors - 51% of its funding target is met, offering an annual interest of 17.8% with constant monthly repayments. 
Only 15 days have left until the funding deadline. We encourage you to support the borrower in reaching the target amount within the set target funding time.
Browse open listings

[size=34]Delayed loan repayment

As some of you have seen, there’s been a case of first delay of the loan repayment, and as we can see it does not come as a surprise among investors. Currently, a borrower has missed the last payment in the schedule, including interest repayment and full principal amount repayment of 125 000 EUR. Though, it comes at a time when many of you are afraid of losing your investments, let us highlight things from the collection process.

Our processes of approaching the borrower and imposing requests to fulfill contractual obligations stays unchanged. There are no laws or restrictions that may restrict us from turning towards the borrower with further claims as per our procedures. We do hope the delay is not going to last long, and these are short term difficulties for the borrower that until now has paid all payments timely and in good manner.

For your information, regarding the state of emergency Estonian government has declared, imposed restrictions on movement of people and on businesses (mostly retail, travel and leisure): there are no restrictions on creditors filing for debtor insolvency. There have been talks of forcing banks to grant payment leaves, etc. but nothing has been imposed yet. The situation develops by the hour so we will keep you updated if any creditor rights are curbed. Until then, we are moving forward with debt recovery process as per internal procedures. You can follow updates on the project page visible to those invested in the project.

As Wisefund is an Estonian crowdfunding platform, and all agreements are regulated by Estonian law, you can follow COVID-19 development in Estonia on this site (updated daily with official data)

[size=34]Update on expected late interest payments

With regret we have to admit there may to be other delays from borrowers which businesses gets impacted during this time. All project pages will be updated with status updates before the interest payment date, especially those missing repayments. Please follow those updates closely. We will try to provide as much information as possible and overloading our inbox will not get more answers than the update page.

Some might be concerned borrowing businesses begin reflecting on force majeure events as impact on their business and thus an excuse for delay in the payment. Yes, this is possible, but force majeure is also regulated by law, and it is not so simple to evade away from obligations. Even in extremes, when force majeure ends, the monetary obligations are still due and enforceable in most cases.

To quote law firm Sorainen in their publication
Force majeure. The declaration of emergency does not imply that circumstances of force majeure will automatically apply. The emergency must impact performance of a specific obligation or contract. Thus, if the coronavirus outbreak causes non-performance, it could be regarded as force majeure so that non-performance of the contract would be excused, and the liability of the obligor lifted (except for monetary obligations).

Estonian law regards force majeure as a situation and circumstances which are beyond the control of the obligor and could not reasonably have been expected, taken into account, avoided or overcome. The general existence of a force majeure situation is not enough, but the event must impact the performance of a specific obligation or contract. Thus, if the coronavirus outbreak causes non-performance, it could be regarded as force majeure and thus non-performance of the contract would be excused and the liability of the obligor removed.

If the obligation is monetary (e.g. payment of a sum of money), the situation requires more detailed analysis. Under Estonian law, the obligee may require performance of the obligation to pay the money regardless of force majeure. However, if force majeure prevents the other party from performing the obligation for which the payment is due, the party obligated to pay is entitled to withhold the payment.

This means, in case of force majeure events (and pandemics and emergency state can be one of those) all cases of delays or inability to perform under contract have to be viewed case by case, and borrower has to provide information how the coronavirus outbreak causes non-performance.

If a business will be able to prove force majeure, it will be hard to compensate accrued interest on delayed payments. In other cases you may expect compensation of each day of the delay.

[size=34]Project closed and fully repaid

One of the projects though got repaid month and a half ahead of its time.

All investors received full repayment with outstanding interest accrued. 

All withdraw requests were processed immediately.

Also, thank you to those who opted in to reinvest and support open loan offers. We are happy to see there’s trust from our customers even in these uncertain times.
How else can we help?
We want to stress out the above-mentioned sharing of the articles where Wisefund support incentive is presented. Please spare some time to share, and we hope to see you among supporters as well.

We know lenders/investors and businesses of all sizes are under stress and that some of you are facing significant hardship. We are working to keep with the changing situation and be your partner of choice for a long term, find new ways to meet your expectations and will draw on our resources to make a difference for you and for businesses.
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Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco.
» Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense

Comunicado de Wisefund 124
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Mensajes : 2677
Puntos : 2889
Reputación : 174
Fecha de inscripción : 22/11/2016

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyVie Mar 27, 2020 5:33 pm

Y no han parado las transferencias....ahí está la diferencia con otras!!!!
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Mensajes : 400
Puntos : 454
Reputación : 18
Fecha de inscripción : 17/09/2017

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyVie Mar 27, 2020 8:06 pm

totalmente de acuerdo, en plena crisis, tienes la retirada en tu cuenta al dia siguiente.
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Mensajes : 6155
Puntos : 9065
Reputación : 273
Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016
Localización : BCN

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptySáb Mar 28, 2020 3:17 pm

Yo voy comprando pequeños importes , un 28% descuento , pues vale eran casi 8 €. por un préstamo de 30 €

Comunicado de Wisefund Logo@2x
Investment Microbiological Fertiliser Manufacture (ID: HF71129072) has been successfully bought on secondary market.
€22.32 has been removed from your balance and charged €0.30 additional commission fee.
Go to profile

Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco.
» Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense

Comunicado de Wisefund 124
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Mensajes : 831
Puntos : 931
Reputación : 38
Fecha de inscripción : 11/08/2017
Edad : 54

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyLun Mar 30, 2020 3:23 pm

Y FastInvest igual. En un par de dias recibo las retiradas solicitadas.

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Mensajes : 6155
Puntos : 9065
Reputación : 273
Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016
Localización : BCN

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyMiér Abr 01, 2020 6:42 pm

Confirmar que en menos de 24h , los 25 euros que retire del barbecho estan en mi cuenta.

Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco.
» Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense

Comunicado de Wisefund 124
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Mensajes : 2677
Puntos : 2889
Reputación : 174
Fecha de inscripción : 22/11/2016

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyMiér Abr 01, 2020 8:38 pm

A mi me ha llegado también la retirada que hice, ya no sé si ayer por la tarde o esta mañana. Sea como fuere, rápido!!!Plus de confianza para WISEFUND....Y quien ha fallado, pues lo dicen. Fulanito y sutanito no han pagado sus intereses....como es lógico que ocurra...El 100% de impagos es imposible!!!!!!!Prefiero algún impago que un camino de rosas a todas luces ficticio...Y dónde ha ficción, no hay realidad!
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Mensajes : 831
Puntos : 931
Reputación : 38
Fecha de inscripción : 11/08/2017
Edad : 54

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyMiér Abr 01, 2020 9:07 pm

Retirada solicitada ayer, y me ha llegado al banco hoy...¿Es un espejismo?? O estan poniendo de nuevo el anzuelo....

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Mensajes : 2677
Puntos : 2889
Reputación : 174
Fecha de inscripción : 22/11/2016

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyJue Abr 02, 2020 12:00 am

Bueno, la verdad es que lo gordo es la devolución del principal de los préstamos....PEro bueno, mejor es que cumplan con los intereses que ni siquiera cumplan con ellos como MONETHERA. A uno le pagan casi todos, a otros nadie...y nadie regulando esto...

Pensé que había algo más de regulación al tratarse de la EUROZONA cuando llegué a esto del crowlending pero veo que es cero patatero la regulación y un mínimo de control. Hombre, entiendo que no se le regule como a un banco pero llevamos ya 4 años en el crowlending los más veteranos..Tiempo más que suficiente para que algo se hubiera hecho. PEro no, nada de nada!!!! Tienen que llegar estafas o cierres de plataforma para que se intente regular ésto? En ESPAÑA necesitan una autorización de la CNMV...Se ve que en otros países de la EUROZONA parece no es necesario nada de nada.
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Mensajes : 2677
Puntos : 2889
Reputación : 174
Fecha de inscripción : 22/11/2016

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyJue Abr 02, 2020 10:09 am

drarenas escribió:
Y FastInvest igual. En un par de dias recibo las retiradas solicitadas.
Yo ordené una retirada el domingo por la tarde (o sea, el lunes mañana a efectos de ejecución) y aún no recibí el mail indicando su procesamiento...Chatee ayer con ellos y, nada, que en el plazo de 4 días las procesan, que es el plazo que indican en su web...La retirada era ridícula pero es para llevar el pulso de las retiradas de las plataformas...

Confiemos en que nos de una tregua de problemas este sector.
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Mensajes : 400
Puntos : 454
Reputación : 18
Fecha de inscripción : 17/09/2017

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyJue Abr 02, 2020 2:29 pm

Yo he recibido mi retiro solicitado al día siguiente...impresionante en estos tiempos que corren.

Ademas he repasado la lista de todos los proyectos retrasos, y en todos su informacion esta actualizada informándose del mismo.

Bien por Wisefund, quien lo iba a decir...
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Mensajes : 6155
Puntos : 9065
Reputación : 273
Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016
Localización : BCN

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyMiér Abr 08, 2020 6:09 pm

Comunicado de Wisefund 548535be-8b28-4d7c-8653-65cbd3a39bd2
Dear Investor,

We Hope you are fine, healthy and doing well.

As we all know the festive season is arriving and we all are looking forward to the holidays. These holidays will allow us all to have some amazing time with family more than ever as we all should stay home and enjoy this time.

This email is to inform you that Wisefund office (to confirm, all working from home) will be closed from April 10. 2020, to April 13. 2020, due to the coming festive season.

On April 9, 2020, our working hours will be 9.00-15.00. All deposits and withdraw requests made after will be processed on the next working day, April 14, 2020

During this closure period, we hope that our employees the same as our customers, partners and associates enjoy their time as much as possible.

If you have any queries related to the closure period please do not hesitate to contact us prior to the holiday.

Hope you all will have a splendid time. We wish you all the best and the warmest of holidays.

Happy Holidays!

Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco.
» Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense

Comunicado de Wisefund 124
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Mensajes : 6155
Puntos : 9065
Reputación : 273
Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016
Localización : BCN

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyMar Abr 14, 2020 8:58 am

Al final el viernes pasado ( fiesta por Semana Santa) hice un retiro y hoy por la mañana me lo han confirmado

Lo confirmare cuando entre en el banco.

Comunicado de Wisefund Logo@2x
Withdraw confirmed!
A withdrawal of €-105.14 has been confirmed. The money is on its way to your bank account.

Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco.
» Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense

Comunicado de Wisefund 124
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Mensajes : 6155
Puntos : 9065
Reputación : 273
Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016
Localización : BCN

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyMar Abr 14, 2020 12:39 pm

recibido , esta misma mañana , transferencia en menos de dos horas

Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco.
» Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense

Comunicado de Wisefund 124
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Mensajes : 2677
Puntos : 2889
Reputación : 174
Fecha de inscripción : 22/11/2016

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyMar Abr 14, 2020 5:33 pm

Yo también la he recibido. En este caso, aún no ha llegado el virus del retraso en las transferencias.
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Mensajes : 76
Puntos : 85
Reputación : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 08/01/2018

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyMar Abr 14, 2020 9:10 pm

Hola compañeros, os han pagado wisefund todos los intereses de todos los proyectos, yo tengo 3 proyectos que todavia siguen sin pagar esos intereses relativo al mes de marzo
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Mensajes : 6155
Puntos : 9065
Reputación : 273
Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016
Localización : BCN

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyMar Abr 14, 2020 9:45 pm

no , hay varios que están en retraso, si entras en cada uno de ellos dan una pequeña explicación, pero básicamente es tema coronavirus y que hablaran con ellos .

Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco.
» Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense

Comunicado de Wisefund 124
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Mensajes : 6155
Puntos : 9065
Reputación : 273
Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016
Localización : BCN

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyMiér Abr 22, 2020 6:29 pm

La plataforma pide contestar la encuesta también para contar un un feedback por nuestra parte, pero todo apunta que también iremos a alargar plazos , mas o menos como se esta planteando en varias plataformas.

Comunicado de Wisefund 353c65f3-0ea2-4abd-9abe-a6c3c62a562d
Dear Inversor,

Wisefund has been closely monitoring the economic impact of Coronavirus on European companies, and more importantly, on the borrowers who have obtained loans through Wisefund. The spread of the virus is likely to have severe consequences on SMEs, from slowdowns in production to unstable cash flows and future financial difficulties.

We all want those businesses to withstand this time and recover quickly. As many of you noticed, some of the current borrowers have missed their payments due, and that is the direct result of the uncertainty of the future.

Up to date we hope you’ve noticed, Wisefund has never made hasty decisions, and this case is no different. Though on this date, after extensive talks with borrower representatives and our Estonian legal advisers, we’ve come to a conclusion where we have to put our focus on actions that will benefit all parties involved in the long run.

Though we’re not planning to do that without additional approval from you, end lenders whose funds are at stake.
Note: if you don’t want to read a long email, please scroll down and go straight to the survey. We kindly ask everybody to fill in this survey as this is very important to receive information from all of you to make an appropriate decision.

Well, you have to understand – the future of those businesses is at stake as well, and here Wisefund will function as a mediator between lenders and borrowers putting maximum effort and resources to benefit of all. We also acknowledge that the way we deal with this will surely put a foundation to our further operations, future, and trust from you, the crowd who trusts the funds to SMEs we choose.

One of the main options we’re planning to implement is to extend the maturity of loans by 2-3 months (the amount depends on how long pandemic restrictions will be kept active), ease the burden of current interest payments for months of April, May and possibly June 2020. In our opinion, this is the best chance of getting your investment back – supporting businesses to overcome the crisis.
While one of the approaches was to make this case by case solution to borrowers who are in need of it, extensive analysis and brainstorming have shown that even if some of the businesses don’t appear to have immediate issues in their operations, the possibility of that occurring in near future is very high, and providing same terms for all of the borrowers will show equal and undivided care and support towards everybody.

Certainly, you are not the one who should suffer in this case, and nobody is amending any contractual return on the capital you invested. Even banks who impose credit vacation to their retail borrowers, they don’t offer it for free. Well, they offer changes without commissions, but the interest is calculated as always. The same will apply here – if the maturity of the loan is extended, interest calculation will happen the same way – your schedules will be updated accordingly.

Though the question remains, how interest payments due should be managed? It’s understandable that during the current situation for businesses to be able to restructure their current business plans, understand the further plan of actions and get on a path of recovery, ease on monthly payments would be a great help. (please note, for you those might be 1, 2, 10, maybe 50 EUR, and it might not make a big difference in the short term, but for the borrower, it is a sum of all interest payments due and this could be a big difference-maker in the long run).

Let’s touch the topic of current late payments. 30% of the borrowers didn’t fulfill their obligations on March 31, 2020 and have missed their payments for almost one month now. Each case is both, different and the same – all have been affected due to Coronavirus. I.e., many articles are written about how hundreds of million tulips are destroyed in the Netherlands due to falling demand amid COVID-19, direct impact on one of our borrowers. For others, there are problems getting final payments from customers who have suspended payments until further notice, and there are simply no funds to release to cover obligations. And then there are those who just have a 90% drop in the turnover and have to restructure their business with immediate effect or just fill for bankruptcy. Currently, as to our knowledge (and we’re not just believing but monitoring it closely as well through external sources), none of the borrowers have filed for insolvency, and we hope for recovery instead of being involved in insolvency processes for years.
For your information, in Estonia, the bankruptcy law changes were approved recently, and thankfully it's in our favor where the moratorium on creditor insolvency applications was not implemented. The only change is that debtor management members are exempt from the obligation to file for bankruptcy during the state of emergency, the deadlines for reversal claims of harmful transactions were also extended in the same proportion. So overall no damage to creditors and some relief to debtors. But this concerns Estonia, and while our current approach is to further on keep a major part of the portfolio locally, we’re still platform supporting businesses from various European countries, and each of them have their own laws, restrictions, and procedures on submitting claims.

What we are certain of, currently, submitting claims in any place will be a long road to go, and there are many factors behind it. Simply put, in most of the countries there’s work from home or forced leave due to imposed restrictions, and this means less workforce to take care of the applications. Then there’s concentration on COVID-19 matters, and all other cases are being put on the end of the waiting list. Probably, most of you have faced this kind of delays already. And this simply means – all such actions from our side currently can do more harm than protect your investment.

Let’s turn to our survey which will help us introduce the best action plan in the benefit of everybody.
Press the button below to access the survey.  

Happy to help.

Please reach out to if you have any questions.

Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco.
» Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense

Comunicado de Wisefund 124
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Mensajes : 6155
Puntos : 9065
Reputación : 273
Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016
Localización : BCN

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyJue Abr 30, 2020 7:49 pm

Comunicado de Wisefund 353c65f3-0ea2-4abd-9abe-a6c3c62a562d

Firstly, our sincere apologies for the issues experienced during this morning. The email below will show the changes we were implementing technically during the last two days, and something went wrong. Many of you got credited on your accounts interest payments (which was followed by informative email about that in your inbox) which were not supposed to be credited as this wouldn't be real money and nothing to back it up with. All actions (incorrect interest crediting and subsequent withdraw requests) will be reverted and not visible on your accounts. Please disregard the email messages received and don't be surprised. 

Technical mistakes happen, don't they?... 

Ok, let's continue with our message this email was intended to send. If you did so, thank you for filling out the survey, we really appreciate your support and feedback.

Honestly, we were hoping to see you sharing our approach and expressing support, but we were a bit surprised seeing how many of you did. The results of the feedback can be seen below and will also be added to our blog post:

- Over 60% of active investors submitted their replies to the survey.
- 93.3% of those who voted supported actions to extend the maturity of the loan for borrowing businesses. Such an action will ensure they will be able to restructure their operations during this crisis period and live through the difficult times increasing the possibility to fulfill their obligations.
- 91.8% of you also voted to support the relief on interest payments during this time with majority voting on the option of distributing the accrued interest through the payment schedule after the relief period.

Based on the survey results and the situation in economics and with each of the borrower individually, some of the loans will receive the extension immediately. Some of the loans will still pay you current pending interest but are under consideration for the extension and the relief. And some of the projects receiving immediate extension and relief option are expected to use it for a shorter period of time than that currently imposed.

Regarding those few loans which have missed their principal repayment date, there will be a separate decision taken involving related investors.

What will change for the lenders?

Projects that missed interest payment last month, are currently experiencing a delay due to the COVID19 consequences. In case the extension is applied, all pending interest payments up to date will be due once the relief period has ended, while the accrued interest during the relief will be divided equally through the payment schedule.

These changes mean lenders will get more interest income eventually, while for borrowers it is a significant relief by extending their loan term and getting relief on interest payments during upcoming months allowing them to recover and get back on the path of normal business operations.

Results of the survey as they are seen:

Comunicado de Wisefund 03b7f572-c520-49d8-a5a2-4cb1434e5f95


Comunicado de Wisefund Cc275f07-2eba-4be5-a392-cddbfc855c4e


Comunicado de Wisefund 2f6ae28d-0670-4dc4-8c69-1d80d33f4fe9


For your information, we are reviewing each project separately, and while actions seem to be common for all, there is still a lot of work to be done during this relief period to understand how each of the businesses will recover and preferably, prepare in advance for further actions.

We’re monitoring their ability to pay interest as per schedules and how are they coping with COVID19 crisis consequences. What we will do, during the following weeks we will provide as many updates as possible on each of the project regardless of whether they are on the relief status or not.

Any of the projects under extension and relief can withdraw from it at any time, and cover their accrued obligations at any time, as well as cover the full principal before the end of the term. As we have seen that before with previous projects we hope to see the trend further on as well where borrowers repay their obligations ahead of time. In the meantime, let’s support them (and you clearly showed the support based on the survey results) and hope for the best.


Feedback, questions and answers

We will also take the opportunity to answer some of the questions and concerns pointed out within the survey keeping the anonymity of those asking questions. Those who asked will spot their question and get the reply below:

"More transparency about the team, the people behind Wisefund and the borrowers. Also more information about the project in order to be able to do a thorough due-diligence."

The company team is not large, and many of important services like tech support, due diligence, legal procedures, collection strategy, financial analysis, marketing etc, all are outsourced while keeping support, borrowing business on-boarding and account and client management as well as accounting in-house. We have never been on the path of burning cash with staff expenses, and as our own funds have always been separated from user funds, and we’re not backed with millions of investments, our growth and scaling up is not done by increasing staff but more likely its quality. While there were plans for extending company’s core stuff, currently those are postponed as we have to concentrate our previously earned revenue on managing the current team, current expenses, current loan management and cover further unexpected expenses. Though, during these strange and difficult times, we hope to get on the path of landing new promising and potentially valuable businesses as lenders and offer more secure funding opportunities for those who are still up for investing. Further on you will see more local (Estonian) offers together with European businesses with very high potential and strong teams behind them – in short, we will concentrate on people behind borrowing companies and not just the businesses. Once this plan starts building up, our team will scale up as well.


"For each company in default, you should have informed us of the situation in early April."

Currently, no company is in default, yet. But this is a good point we have to work on. While we have a lot of background information on each of the projects and happenings, we still have to put those updates for all investors involved in. This means we’re committing our selves to provide more detailed updates (regardless, good or bad) on each of the current projects. Please follow your inboxes as we will inform you of project updates there as well as on each project page individually

"I think you should also allow partial payments to reduce the interest of the borrower and give some money to the investors. The borrower might not have all the money for the payment, but still want to pay a portion of it, and thus reducing the interest in the next months, if that is the case let them use that option also."

This are options that will be enabled during the following weeks, and projects willing to use that will do it. We’ve thought about it before, and there have been talks with borrowers as well regarding this, and once some of you pointed this out it becomes clear we have to implement this option


"In my opinion you should give honest statement about Buyback Guarantee. Everyone knows that you tried to be competitive against other platforms like Monethera. If there's no real buyback, just tell investors that there isnt one. I think bitter truth is better than hiding it. In my opinion people will appreciate your honesty (but you need to use good words) rather than making negative feedback. People know that theres no BB, you just need to find a way to tell them. This will build trust.You have to take a step forward and show people that you are not like Monethera. This is the key to gain people trust. I doubt that people will leave you because of such statement. There are visible differences between Wisefund and platforms like Monethera, but keep bringing it up. You can start with simple things like tell every investor that one of the project has been paid. Right now you send it only to investors who invested in a project. You can send summary of paid projects, it will build trust
Your transfers are very fast, not like Crowdestor. Use it as your strength
Tell everyone who is the owner of Wisefund"

Statement about the Buyback guarantee is seen above in the email. Yes, part of it was an intention to get into a very competitive market and secure our place there as there was likely a very low chance to compete with the offer interest rates (though our offered ones were high, but most of the competitors offer much higher rates). Regarding informing about paid projects – all of the completed projects can be seen in our portfolio, and also by the end of the year (when our existence is long enough to show something from the portfolio) we have planned to present historical statistics of funded, repaid, delayed etc projects as most of the prominent crowdfunding platforms do. Though, as suggested also by our marketing strategy partners, this is indeed information we have to present more widely even to those not directly affected. For your information, up to date 495,000 EUR principal from 5 projects has been successfully repaid to investors together with accrued interest. Given the scope of our portfolio and the risk profile, this is a significant amount.
Regarding deposit and withdraw speed – transfers – as mentioned previously and as required by our financial partners, users funds (uninvested) are held on a separate account segregated from our own funds meaning we have immediate access to funds on users accounts, and we’re processing withdraw requests 2x a day ensuring same day withdraw. Given the transfer speed of SEPA payments users usually receive their withdrawn balance within hours. And we’re committed to only improve on this.
Who is behind Wisefund? Ingus Linkevics is the current owner of Wisefund and is responsible for all current decisions and actions you see happening. It’s clearly visible in public registers and also video interviews.

We hope you support our decision. We also hope to reduce these reliefs as borrowers fulfill their recovery plans and continue with payments as per schedule. For those <9% our apologies if this does not meet your expectations. You are still part of our customer base and we and borrowers hold obligations towards you the same way as for everybody else. This is not discrimination of your opinion but listening to the crowd (we're crowdlending business after all). Rest assured we’re doing it to ensure the best outcome for all parties involved, and most importantly, you!

Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco.
» Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense

Comunicado de Wisefund 124
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Mensajes : 2677
Puntos : 2889
Reputación : 174
Fecha de inscripción : 22/11/2016

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyDom Mayo 03, 2020 3:07 pm

Se les ve honestos y con ganas de hacer las cosas lo mejor posible. Espremos tengan un poco de suerte.

Supongo que será fallo de los cambios en la web a los que hacen alusión pero he comprobado que los intereses a cobrar el 30 de abril y no cobrados finalmente no figuran como movimientos pendientes.
Y si vas al calendario de pagos de las oportunidades parece como que sí han cumplido con el abono de los intereses del 30 de abril.

Lo resalto porque es algo que deberían corregir para un correcto seguimiento de los préstamos, los intereses aplazados...Imagino que lo irán resolviendo pero no sé si alguno ya ha comunicado con WISEFUND al respecto.
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Mensajes : 6155
Puntos : 9065
Reputación : 273
Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016
Localización : BCN

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyDom Mayo 03, 2020 6:38 pm

yo tengo cobrado uno,

[th]DATE[/th][th]NAME[/th][th]ORGANIZATION[/th][th]LOAN NUMBER[/th][th]AMOUNT[/th][th][/th][th][/th][th][/th][th][/th][th][/th]si que en el resto la linea temporal esta incorrectamente en color verde, el mes de abril, pero si picas en cada uno de tus proyectos no esta marcado como cobrado el mes.

Payment schedule
29.02.2020 €0.40 €0.40 €0.00 Paid
31.03.2020 €0.41 €0.41 €0.00 Paid
30.04.2020 €0.40 €0.40 €0.00 Pending
31.05.2020 €0.41 €0.41 €0.00 Pending

Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco.
» Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense

Comunicado de Wisefund 124
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Mensajes : 2677
Puntos : 2889
Reputación : 174
Fecha de inscripción : 22/11/2016

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyDom Mayo 03, 2020 7:57 pm

Sí, yo solo cobré 1 nada más. El mismo que tú.

Supongo que cuando negocien con cada uno, pues ya actualizarán el planning de pagos.
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Mensajes : 135
Puntos : 157
Reputación : 10
Fecha de inscripción : 10/08/2017

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyLun Mayo 04, 2020 5:39 pm


En mi caso sólo he cobrado el de "video content". 
Al consultar el resto de proyectos están aplazados los pagos hasta julio según indica el detalle de cada uno aunque no han comunicado nada.
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Mensajes : 6155
Puntos : 9065
Reputación : 273
Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016
Localización : BCN

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyLun Mayo 04, 2020 6:21 pm

si lo comunicaron, a través de los resultados de la encuesta, explicaron que atendiendo al resultado de la misma, iban a proceder a los aplazamientos pero que la actualización de los mismos se debería consultar cada proyectos en el dashboard por aquello de la confidencialidad y que solo estaría disponible para los inversores.

La verdad es que yo solo chafardee un par o tres , y como vi que estaban "acordes" a lo comunicado no acabe de ver el resto, pero estaria bien darle un vistazo a todos por si hay algún error.

Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco.
» Benjamin Franklin  (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense

Comunicado de Wisefund 124
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Mensajes : 400
Puntos : 454
Reputación : 18
Fecha de inscripción : 17/09/2017

Comunicado de Wisefund Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Comunicado de Wisefund   Comunicado de Wisefund EmptyMar Mayo 12, 2020 6:31 pm

Gracias por la explicación Admin, me parecía raro todo esto, así que revisare el calendario de pagos de todos los proyectos con lo que tengo apuntado, para que, al igual que con Crowdestor, sepa las nuevas fechas de pagos y le haga seguimiento.
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Comunicado de Wisefund
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