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Mensajes : 6155 Puntos : 9065 Reputación : 273 Fecha de inscripción : 18/10/2016 Localización : BCN
| Tema: Comunicado de Wisefund Vie Mar 27, 2020 2:57 pm | |
| Recuerdo del primer mensaje :Lo dicho. Creo que es la que mejor esta gestionando la crisis al menos a nivel informativo Dear Investor,
We live in an unprecedented time in our history. The COVID-19 pandemic is having an impact on the health of our loved ones, the businesses we rely upon, the health of the global economy, and the way we live our daily lives.
As we all continue to navigate through these unique and evolving challenges, we want you to know that Wisefund is here for you and what we hope and trust the most, you are here for us and businesses we all together support.
With this update we're calling on people like you across the financial ecosystem to come together to help the most vulnerable during this crisis. We all need to support our employees and our families. We must jointly look for ways to help businesses that create the ecosystem around us navigate the uncertainties.
Governments are showing support, sports stars are donating for local support, many today are stepping up to help, because no one business can do it alone. Crowdfunding is not an exception, we are part of a larger business ecosystem. |
[size=34]Coming together as a community supporting businesses[/size] |
Lately, we launched a campaign and information about that was published on news portals
FintechBaltic | EU-Startups | Fintechnews
We’ve already received first applications and look forward to presenting them one-by-one to you once our review team goes through necessary analysis and checks. |
What we’re doing is: taking priority review, taking no commission on review, offering lower commissions for successfully funded applications, listing as project for support with additional marketing and promotion on the projects, loan for 18 months at a fixed rate 10-13%, no fee early repayment option. The main incentive here is to filter out businesses that in other conditions were working flawlessly and being a good part of the economy, and now are going to struggle, but have a clear path to recovery with bridge financial support.
Lenders will be offered the following: fixed rates of return 10-13%, full transparency of the business, security in the form of commercial pledges, mortgages, personal guarantees (depending on each case), and, most importantly, possibility to support our own economy, support SMEs who are the heart of what we do (activity based businesses), where we spend time (places, restaurants, leisure spots), what we use (utility stores, apps, family owned businesses) etc.
We will be assessing how the businesses were operating prior to the current crisis and evaluating the strength of the supply chains and the time in business prior to the current crisis to understand how inherently robust the applying business is and how quickly it can revert to "Business as Usual" status once restrictions are lifted.
Currently, we’re not asking to throw funds in and wait for lucrative interest earnings. Instead, firstly take care of your savings and keep what you need in case crisis reaches you as well. But if you have something to spare, wait for the offers to come, and see which business you are ready to support. Because in addition to earned interest you earn much more as this is a time of mutual support.
We kindly ask you to share any of the above linked articles with your friends, co-workers, social friends etc. – maybe someone’s there owning a business in trouble, and they should know where to reach out to! |
[size=34]Open opportunities you might be interested in[/size] |
Currently, there are still two open loan offers available to fund. Both are Estonian businesses, one involved in trading and other one looking to develop a local brand. |
| Support Estonian business and future of perspective brand development - mere € 52 144 remain available for investment with an annual interest of 17.5%. Secured by commercial pledge, controlling share in the business and personal guarantees it's a nice investment offering regular monthly returns. |
| Another Estonian business supported already by 207 investors - 51% of its funding target is met, offering an annual interest of 17.8% with constant monthly repayments. Only 15 days have left until the funding deadline. We encourage you to support the borrower in reaching the target amount within the set target funding time. |
[size=34]Delayed loan repayment[/size] |
As some of you have seen, there’s been a case of first delay of the loan repayment, and as we can see it does not come as a surprise among investors. Currently, a borrower has missed the last payment in the schedule, including interest repayment and full principal amount repayment of 125 000 EUR. Though, it comes at a time when many of you are afraid of losing your investments, let us highlight things from the collection process.
Our processes of approaching the borrower and imposing requests to fulfill contractual obligations stays unchanged. There are no laws or restrictions that may restrict us from turning towards the borrower with further claims as per our procedures. We do hope the delay is not going to last long, and these are short term difficulties for the borrower that until now has paid all payments timely and in good manner.
For your information, regarding the state of emergency Estonian government has declared, imposed restrictions on movement of people and on businesses (mostly retail, travel and leisure): there are no restrictions on creditors filing for debtor insolvency. There have been talks of forcing banks to grant payment leaves, etc. but nothing has been imposed yet. The situation develops by the hour so we will keep you updated if any creditor rights are curbed. Until then, we are moving forward with debt recovery process as per internal procedures. You can follow updates on the project page visible to those invested in the project.
As Wisefund is an Estonian crowdfunding platform, and all agreements are regulated by Estonian law, you can follow COVID-19 development in Estonia on this site (updated daily with official data) |
[size=34]Update on expected late interest payments[/size] |
With regret we have to admit there may to be other delays from borrowers which businesses gets impacted during this time. All project pages will be updated with status updates before the interest payment date, especially those missing repayments. Please follow those updates closely. We will try to provide as much information as possible and overloading our inbox will not get more answers than the update page.
Some might be concerned borrowing businesses begin reflecting on force majeure events as impact on their business and thus an excuse for delay in the payment. Yes, this is possible, but force majeure is also regulated by law, and it is not so simple to evade away from obligations. Even in extremes, when force majeure ends, the monetary obligations are still due and enforceable in most cases.
To quote law firm Sorainen in their publication: |
Force majeure. The declaration of emergency does not imply that circumstances of force majeure will automatically apply. The emergency must impact performance of a specific obligation or contract. Thus, if the coronavirus outbreak causes non-performance, it could be regarded as force majeure so that non-performance of the contract would be excused, and the liability of the obligor lifted (except for monetary obligations).
Estonian law regards force majeure as a situation and circumstances which are beyond the control of the obligor and could not reasonably have been expected, taken into account, avoided or overcome. The general existence of a force majeure situation is not enough, but the event must impact the performance of a specific obligation or contract. Thus, if the coronavirus outbreak causes non-performance, it could be regarded as force majeure and thus non-performance of the contract would be excused and the liability of the obligor removed.
If the obligation is monetary (e.g. payment of a sum of money), the situation requires more detailed analysis. Under Estonian law, the obligee may require performance of the obligation to pay the money regardless of force majeure. However, if force majeure prevents the other party from performing the obligation for which the payment is due, the party obligated to pay is entitled to withhold the payment.
This means, in case of force majeure events (and pandemics and emergency state can be one of those) all cases of delays or inability to perform under contract have to be viewed case by case, and borrower has to provide information how the coronavirus outbreak causes non-performance.
If a business will be able to prove force majeure, it will be hard to compensate accrued interest on delayed payments. In other cases you may expect compensation of each day of the delay. |
[size=34]Project closed and fully repaid[/size] |
One of the projects though got repaid month and a half ahead of its time.
All investors received full repayment with outstanding interest accrued.
All withdraw requests were processed immediately.
Also, thank you to those who opted in to reinvest and support open loan offers. We are happy to see there’s trust from our customers even in these uncertain times. |
We want to stress out the above-mentioned sharing of the articles where Wisefund support incentive is presented. Please spare some time to share, and we hope to see you among supporters as well.
We know lenders/investors and businesses of all sizes are under stress and that some of you are facing significant hardship. We are working to keep with the changing situation and be your partner of choice for a long term, find new ways to meet your expectations and will draw on our resources to make a difference for you and for businesses. |
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Our mailing address is: WiseFund Capital OÜ Vaike-Ameerika tn 8 Tallinn 10129 Estonia
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[/td] [/tr] [/table] [/td] [/tr] [/table] _________________ Cuida de los pequeños gastos; un pequeño agujero hunde un barco. » Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Estadista y científico estadounidense**************************************************************************************** | |